maandag 26 april 2010

Discover What You Know

In the second week's session of Information Systems we discussed different concepts of Knowledge Management such as data, information and knowledge. This movie clearly shows the fact that data and information can not be useful without sharing them with people. The movie also shows that the information is something unclear when you only have it and you don't share it with others! That's why I personally recommend that sharing the information we have is the best way to make it valuable and subsequently increase our level of knowledge

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

  2. Last week we discussed in the Information Systems' session some topics related to Knowledge. Knowledge Management was one of these topics we have discussed. This movie shows a nice introduction to knowledge management.

  3. Totally agree with what you said re. sharing knowledge. To many people knowledge is money, if not more valuable. Moreover, knowledge goes beyond personal utilization when it becomes a know-how. Technical and financial know-how have transformed countries into powerhouses, despite lacking substantial natural resources. Knowledge/know-how is also what sets companies apart and gives them a solid push against their competitors. Therefore, it is absolutely important to decide what knowledge you want/need to share and with whom.

  4. very intersting blog mohammad, thx for sharing.
