zondag 2 mei 2010

Life Without Computers

Three weeks ago we discussed in the first Information Systems’ class how the world would be like without computers! Different views and different ideas were discussed in the class. Since we have no specific answer for the discussed question, let us first have such a general view about how computers are used today in our life? Computers are commonly used items in many areas. It is an important thing to people, especially the people who run organizations, industry, etc. . . Almost anything you know is run or made by computers. Cars and jets were designed on computers, traffic signals are run by computers, most medical equipment use computers and space exploration was started with computers. Most of the jobs today require the use of computers. These ‘mechanical brains’ made a huge impact on our society. We still need to know whether we can process our life without computers or not?

Let’s visualize for a minute. Let’s visualize a world without computers. People in the medical field wouldn’t have found a lot of cures to diseases, since most cures were found with the help of computers. Movies like Jurassic Park, Toy Story, A Bug’s Life or Godzilla would never have been made without computers because they used computer graphics and animation in them. Pharmacies would have a hard time keeping track with what medications to give to patience. Counting votes would be impossible without computers and most importantly, space exploration wouldn’t be possible without the help of computers. It’s a pretty tough life without computers. Some may not agree and say, “Well, we don’t need computers to live on.” They maybe right but mostly, they are wrong. Computers help in curing diseases, make entertainment a lot better, keep track of important records, etc. . . Without computers, all this wouldn’t be possible.
I think it would be very difficult to manage our life without computers. What do you think?

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Nice topic Mohamad!

    To me personally a computer-free world is no longer imaginable! In the West technology forms an integral part of people's daily life and impacts almost every aspect of it.
    Let me give you a small example. At my work and since almost one year now we have replaced all computers by laptops to be able to work anywhere at any time we want/need. I stupidly forgot my laptop at home a few weeks ago. Sitting in the office without a laptop was an eye-opening experience for it made realized how dependent I was on this tool. An endless list of all necessary items to perform your job such as documents, schedules, plans, emails etc. is stored on your PC and having no excess to that simply means having no ability to work.

    I believe that people will rely more on their PC as they become smarter and offer more integrated solutions. Computers give us speed, comfort, mobility, efficiency as well as accuracy. I personally enjoy modernity and am glad that I live in a world that is for a great deal run by technology.
    Modern technology however should not come at the expense of romance and the beauty of human interaction!


  2. Actually this computer debate seems to be a rather interesting topic. It is quite unreasonable to question a world without computers since then you will be definitely living in a state of shock, one might say! This simple machine, which is evidently getting smaller and more portable, plays an integral part of our day-to-day lives: it is the bridge that shortens distances between you and whoever person or facility you want to get in touch with in terms of time, speed, energy, and accuracy; you can peacefully sit home and solve, manage, and send almost whatsoever you want with the press of sometimes one button as we interestingly see in movies! Beyond any doubt, computers and electricity are but two interrelated inventions that represent two sides of the same coin in the sense that without them life is certainly going to be very hard. Nonetheless, computers cannot replace everything because they are after all machines, and in this respect I do confirm Farah’s view that “Modern technology, however, should not come at the expense of romance and the beauty of human interaction!”, otherwise we ourselves will turn into computer-like beings and lose those wonderful feelings of love, romance, affection, and caring towards other people.

    Best wishes
    Ahmad Al- Jabery

  3. I can't imagine my life without computer. technolgy have a big influence or a central rol in every area of our life.

